Re: rpc.cmsd?

Perry E. Metzger (
Wed, 20 Jul 1994 11:08:58 -0400

jsz says:
> > I may be wrong-- but I wouldn't expect anything to be headed toward
> > bugtraq anytime soon from Yonathan.  I think his latest excuse is that
> > he doesn't trust anyone and he doesn't want the POSSE to get his/these
> > files.
> In your case it's quite trivial -- I don't want to be a free agent for your
> computer systems consulting business, and while I consider this chit-chat
> irrelevant to a purpose of this list, if you want to continue dicussion 
> please take it to email.

Please take your sniping elsewhere.

As for the rest, let me repeat:

Bugtraq is for full disclosure. If anyone doesn't want to fully
disclose, thats their right, but they should realize that goes against
the list's reason for being. This is also, by the way, not a list for
debating full disclosure -- if you don't like full disclosure, don't
participate in the mailing list, and it won't offend you, and we won't
participate on your lists and be offended by non-full disclosure.
